Atapi & Vatapi

Abhishek Singh
2 min readOct 13, 2018


In ancient India, to the South of the Vindhya mountain range, lay a dense and dangerous forest. Wild and ferocious beasts inhabited this forest. But, that was not the reason that the travellers and pilgrims travelling South would avoid passing through it. The reason was two wicked demon brothers, Atapi and Vatapi. They had magical powers and they were infamous for looting and devouvering innocent travellers.

Atapi would lure in tired and hungry travellers to their den, which was masked to look like a simple cottage. Before the traveller arrived, Vatapi would transform himself into a goat, to be killed and served later. Atapi would spoil the unwary traveller with hospitality, while preparing a sumptuous meal of the tender goat meat. The hungry and unsuspecting traveller would be delighted to have found such humble and generous host and would enjoy the meal. Once they had the delicious food, Vatapi would call his brother, “Vatapi, come out”. In the next moment, Vatapi would rip out the travellers stomach and come out, regaining his human form and instantly killing the traveller. They would then devour the poor traveller and loot all the possessions.

They had thus killed hundreds of travellers and the forest which they corrupted was came to be known as dark and dangerous. Travellers would go round for miles, just to avoid these dangerous paths. The tales of terror reached the ears of Sage Agastya, who decided to put an end to it. He came down from Mount Vindhya, breaking his long meditation and headed into the dreaded forest.

As the Sage reached the middle of the forest, he encountered a poor forest dweller chopping a tree. As the Sage came closer, he dropped his axe and asked for blessings bending low. He invited Sage Agastya to his cottage to rest and dine. The Sage could see through his deception, but played along. It was getting dark and they both headed towards a clearing where the cottage stood in the middle, surrounded by tall Ashoka trees.

Following the drill, Atapi served the Sage with the delicious meal and the Sage also had the food delightfully. As he finished his meal, Atapi shouted, “Vatapi, come out.” The Sage was quick to read their entire plan, and immediately said, “Vatapi, get digested”, while running his hand on his stomach. Atapi shouted again calling his younger brother, but to no avail. Vatapi was already digested and would never come alive. The furious and revengeful Atapi tried attacking, but was reduced to ashes by the powerful Sage, thus ending their reign of terror.

